Consultants / Researchers

FUKUI Yasumasa
Senior Consultant
Mr. Fukui joined NXLRIC in 2016 and is based in Osaka. He is currently responsible for sales, marketing and customer support of Logitan, NXLRIC’s smart device tool to digitize warehouse operations, in western Japan. With his extensive international and domestics experiences in logistics and supply-chain industry, he has been rapidly expanding customer base, not only for Logitan, but also for consulting services.
Prior to NXLRIC, he worked at Mitsui-Soko Logistics, where he obtained high reputation from customers for sales and customer support of freight forwarding (both air and ocean) and warehousing / fulfillment services. Prior to that, he spent 9 years at UPS Japan as a salesperson of its international parcel delivery services. His successes in developing new key accounts and achieving high numbers led him to be appointed to “Coach” – teach sales skills to managers and mentor new hires. Prior to that, he worked 10 years at NCR Japan as a system engineer, designing and programming for financial institutions’ online systems.
He holds a B.A. in Law from Kansai University.
- Mobile Computing Promotion Consortium IoT System Technologies Certification(2019)
- Cutting-edge logistics technology trends
- Logistics strategy formulation
- Logistics center operational improvements
- Survey about logistics
- Support for improving logistics center operations at steel manufacturers
- Support for improving operations at chemical warehousing facilities
- Support for improving logistics center operations at pharmaceutical companies
- Support for developing logistics strategies for medical device manufacturers
- Demand survey for hazardous materials warehouses
- Support for reducing the number of forklifts at factories and logistics warehouses
- “Utilization of Blockchain Technology in the Logistics Sector” / Omni Management Magazine (November 2018)
- “AI Solutions Driven by the Retail Industry” / Retail Networking Magazine (March-April 2020)
- “Case Studies of Operational Improvements in Personnel Management at Large-scale Logistics Centers” / Retail Networking Magazine (November-December 2022)
- “All Transportation Modes Go Digital” / LOGI-BIZ Magazine (January 2023)
- “NX Logistics Research Institute and Consulting. Logistics Guidebook 2024 – Introductory Overview” /.2024. Kindle Edition)
Lecturer・lecture theme
- “Global IoT Trends and Logistics” (August 2017)
- “Seminar on Streamlining Logistics Administration Using IoT/RPA” (February 2019)
- “Business Improvement through Visualization of Material Supply Operations” (October 2021)
- “Case Studies of Improving Forwarding Operations through DX” (May 2022)
- “Overview of Logistics Strategy Formulation Support Consulting” (July 2024)