Consultants / Researchers

SATO Hiroki
Senior Consultant
Joined a steel trading company in 2015. Experienced in corporate sales to major transportation equipment manufacturers, as well as purchasing and delivery management.
In 2019, He joined RELATIONS Co., Ltd., a consulting company specializing in indirect material cost reduction and organizational change. He have contributed to clients in a wide range of industries to achieve their visions and goals by improving customer service through business process innovation and reducing costs by improving contract terms and operation of indirect materials. Also recommended logistics consulting services to expand the company’s business based on an analysis of the external environment, including services provided by competitors, and carried out a pilot project on agricultural product logistics.
In 2023, He joined NX Research Institute, Inc. He have supported projects on a wide range of themes, including improving the efficiency of logistics on factory premises, formulating concepts for joint logistics, and building a system for data-driven sales.
- Improvement of Transportation and Delivery Network
- Improvement within Logistics Centers
- Cost Reduction(Indirect material)
- Business process improvement project (Retail, Transportation)
- Indirect material cost reduction project (Railway Industry)
- Logistics network reorganization project (Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries)
- Support for formulation and implementation of plans to improve the efficiency of on-site logistics (Cosmetics Manufacturer)
- PMO support for a project to promote restructuring of a maintenance parts supply network, inventory optimization, and optimization of base deployment (Electronics Company)
- Improvement of the environment for commercial transactions and services (Survey and research for follow-up and promotion of measures in the policy package for logistics innovation) (METI)
- Joint logistics project for trunk line and regional transportation of stainless steel products (Wholesale Industry)